Practitioners Training Workshop on Treatnet Family 

Source: Paris Pact

Geographical area: Global

Date: 31 January 2022

UNODC office in I.R. of Iran, jointly with the country’s Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ), initiated a pilot programme of the TreatNet Family Therapy in the I.R. of Iran. Experts from the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education; State Welfare Organization; National Medical University as well as medical universities of Tehran, Isfahan and Kerman participated in this training workshop. The event was facilitated by trainers from Spain and Indonesia. The purpose of the practitioners’ training is to scale up the Treatnet Family programme in the I.R. of Iran in collaboration with national counterparts, to apply its findings in the treatment of adolescent substance use disorder.  

 Government agencies, academic institutions and drug dependence treatment service providers also play a prominent role in the knowledge transfer and the implementation of evidence-based practices. Trainers and experts participating in the workshop are expected to provide feedback from their practices of Treatnet Family Skills in clinical settings and contribute to the dissemination of Treatnet Family further in the future. This training is directly related to the operational recommendations adopted under the Pillar IV (Reducing drug abuse and dependence through a comprehensive approach) of the Vienna Declaration, which serves as a roadmap for the Paris Pact Initiative.