Source: Paris Pact
Geographical area: Global
Date: 12 December 2023
The 17th Paris Pact Policy Consultative Group meeting (PCGM), was conducted in a hybrid format on 11-12 December 2023, at the Vienna International Center in Vienna, Austria.
The event, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Paris Pact Initiative, was attended by more than 100 delegates from 32 countries and nine international and regional organizations.
The meeting examined and endorsed the attached priority recommendations stemming from the Expert Working Groups (EWGs) held in 2023, focusing on the following three pillars outlined in the Vienna Declaration: II - Illicit financial flows; III - Precursors; and IV - Drug prevention & treatment. Collectively, the three EWGs convened in 2023 drew participation from almost 400 designated experts, representing 45 countries and 13 international and regional organizations spanning diverse geographical regions.
All presentations from the event are available on the Paris Pact Initiative's web portal at meeting-details-page (, accessible through the 'Meetings' tab (please note that access is limited to registered users). If you haven't registered yet, kindly complete and submit the online registration and user profile form. The web portal offers registered users access to essential information about all Paris Pact events within the partnership framework, encompassing priority recommendations, presentations, and summary meeting reports.
The implementation of planned activities for 2024 depends on securing new financial contributions in early 2024. Therefore, partners are kindly encouraged to commit to new pledges to guarantee the ongoing continuity of the partnership.